Duck-dinosaur hybrid baffles scientists with mixed-up body
Duck-dinosaur hybrid baffles scientists with mixed-up body

What do you get when you cross a duck, a crocodile, a swan, a penguin and an ostrich? The most current types of dinosaur with a toon like appearance.
The most recent dino disclosure was reported Wednesday in an examination by the diary Nature. It strolled like an ostrich, had flippers and could swim like a penguin, had a bill like a duck and a neck like a swan yet had executioner paws and teeth like a crocodile, which it required on the grounds that it was a meat-eating dinosaur.
What's more, the entire bundle came in at an astounding 18-inches tall.
It was named Halszkaraptor escuilliei, or "Halszka" for short, after the late Polish scientist Halszka Osmolska.
As indicated by the investigation, the skeleton of the modest winged creature like animal was found in a sandstone shake and is accepted to have meandered Mongolia 75 million years prior.
Lead creator Andrea Cau, a scientist from Bologna, Italy, said he was at first exceptionally suspicious about the fossil's credibility, both as a result of its appearance and the way that the stone containing the skeleton had been snuck out of Mongolia and left in a private authority's hands.
"I asked myself, 'Is this a genuine, normal skeleton, or an antiquity, a delusion? On the off chance that this is a phony, how might I exhibit it?'" Cau said. "Accepting it was a phony as opposed to beginning expecting that the fossil is bona fide was the most fitting approach to begin the examination of such an unusual fossil."

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